Saturday, September 20, 2008

travel it all away

i haven't really looked for any live videos from when i saw radiohead. i knew that they existed but i just wasn't in the right frame of mind to watch them or something. there are a few and if you like radiohead (which you should..) you should watch the songs recorded in "the basement". super sick.

i thought my life was ending when they started this song:


Andrew said...


radiohead is keeping me alive. How´s life? We´re staying at a place where we have really good wifi connections and keyboards that have letters like ñ and ç so i´ll be able to give a little skype call sometime in the next few days.. party on

Alycia said...

the last flowers from the basement is out of this world! We should have a good listen to the recording Jeff has burnt. Smoke some caj bowls and trip balls. Also, everyone should dance like Thom.